Monday, May 1, 2023

Protestors Gather to Protest Against Signs

Hundreds of people gathered in the streets over the weekend to protest against signs. Lots of chanting, screaming, and demonstrations were shown to bring attention to their cause. What is their cause? We interviewed a few of the protestors to find out.

"Why are you out here protesting against signs while holding a sign?" we asked.

"How dare you ask me that," one person replied. "I find that extremely offensive."

Another person was asked, "What are some things that could be done to educate the community about the dangers of using a cardboard sign?"

The answer was enlightining. "Like, what do you even, like, even ask me that? If you don't know, then how are you like, they are totally like the worst! There are a million reasons."

We asked for one of those reasons and were told the following. "I can't even, like. The climate, 'cause rights and you can't tell me what to do."

When we pressed the issue further asking for a specific example, one of the protestors stormed off stating, "so, you are like totally discriminating and full of hate toward the anti-signs community."  

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Non-Identified Objects Upset They Are Being Identified

Sources have uncovered some alarming evidence surrounding many of the unidentified objects that have been spotted flying over the United States. Confirmed by a source that will remain unidentified, MyNews+ was able to obtain a recording from one of these objects. What was heard in this clip could send shockwaves through the internet and communities across the country.

"I don't undertand why objects from the UAP community are trying to be identified The entire reason why we exist and have a purpose is because we identify as not being identified. Everyone is trying to find out who we are, why we are here, and where we came from. The idea that someone would try to define who we are and attempt to identify us goes against everything the UAP stands for. In good conscience, we can not accept that you do not accept that we are non-identified. There is no absoulte truth about who we are as there are absoutely no absoulte truths. But one thing is absolutely true - we are coming for you. The invasion is inevitable."